WWE SMACKDOWN! | AIRED: May 9, 2002 |
I have exactly three hours before Excess begins if I want my "copy and paste" cheat sheet to have my recap for THAT show up as soon as it ends. Took me two and a half hours for RAW, so we'll see. There's that crazy old bag again. This is why I don't leave the apartment much. Opening credits. We are NOT LIVE from the HarborYard in Bridgeport, CT. Michael Cole and Tazz are calling the action, as always. Like RAW, a woman kicks off the show. However, I have a hard time believing Stacy Keibler's gonna be wrestling though. "And now, let's give a warm welcome to the owner of Smackdown! and my boss, Vince McMahon." I figured. Vince has apparently been in a foul mood all week. Stacy holds the ropes open with her ass. "Thank you very much for that Stacy, thank you for that warm introduction. I uh (crowd chants Asshole) You're using language like that in the presence of a lady. Well I was wondering Stacy if you uh, if both of us need a microphone. So would you mind getting one more? (Stacy bends over between the ropes. Can you even imagine how he presents this to her before the show?) Stacy, that's alright, on second thought come back over here. Just stand next to me. You see, Stacy's a model employee. Stacy will do everything that I tell or ask her to do. That's a model employee for you. I wish I could clone her as a matter of fact, but unfortunately not everyone here on Smackdown! is the same calibre. We do have some dissident employees. And the one at the top of the list would be the jerk that calls himself The Game Triple H. You see I told Triple H last week do not under any circumstances physically interfere with Chris Jericho's attempt to become champ in the Hogan match. Well, Triple H didn't exactly physically interfere, but nonetheless he did interfere. It was a distraction itself when Triple H came walking down the ramp. (Asshole!) Had it not been for the distraction of Triple H, the interference, Jericho would tonight be the WWE champion. Oh yeah, Jericho definitely would have defeated Hogan without a shadow of a doubt, just like Jericho defeated Triple H two weeks ago in this very ring. You know from now on, we're gonna lay some new rules down for Triple H tonight. I don't want you Triple H to come anywhere near me, 10 feet is fine, no closer than 10 feet. In addition to that Triple H, you will do exactly as I tell you to do. And Triple H, you will do it with a smile, because just as a reminder Triple H, I own Smackdown! and I damn sure own you Triple H. And if you don't do exactly as I tell you to do starting tonight Triple H, there will be hell to pay." Time To Play The Game, and Michael Cole has an orgasm. I swear, if there's one person who looks exactly like his action figures, it's Triple H. Spit shower. Vince moves around the ring as Triple H does, and Michael Cole hammers home the 10 feet. "Don't come within 10 feet of you huh? (Triple H!) What do you think Vince, this seems like about 10 feet. So was it 10 feet, or was it 9 feet? Or was it 8 feet? Or 7, 6, what was it Vince? How close to I have to get before you 'destroy me'? Are you gonna destroy me Vince, or is everything that comes out of your mouth complete bullshit? Now quite frankly, I think it's a lie. Stacy knows it's a lie. Just like when you tell Stacy things like an old man like yourself can satisfy a 20 year old woman. I mean look at her Vince, look how she's looking at me. You think that Stacy wouldn't want a young stud who would pay close attention to every detail of her young body and who could keep her satisfied all night long? Or, would she want a wrinkled up old bastard with bad breath and a bad toupee? Come on Vince, Stacy knows it's a lie. It's a lie when you tell Stacy things like 'I don't know what happened, this happens to a lot of guys'. Or you know, when you're standing there au natural and you say 'Gosh Stacy, it's just that it's a little cold in here'. Yeah Vince, it's all one big lie isn't it? But I'll tell ya what isn't a lie, it's the fact that Anna Nicole Smith over here is just waiting for the Billionaire to kick the bucket so she can collect the cash. And I'll tell ya what, you get in my face anymore, and I'm gonna speed up the process." "This ring is no place for your Stacy, not with what's gonna happen right now. You think I'm gonna listen to your insults PAL? Uh? You think I'm an old man? You think I'm won't slap you in the face? You think I won't beat the living hell out of you?" Vince throws down his coat, and Triple H rips off his shirt. Before anything can happen, Lance Storm, Christian, Test, Bob Holly, and D-Von all make their way down. Huh? Storm goes down when he attacks, ditto Holly, see ya Christian, Test, D-Von gets in an attack and everyone hits him at the same time. Down he goes and they stomp a mudhole in him. Chris Jericho, chewing gum and smiling heads down the ramp. "Yeah, look at you now, huh? And look who's coming! How do you like that huh?" Jericho has a chair and sets it up right in front of Triple H while Lance Storm and D-Von hold him hostage. Fans chant for Hogan. Jericho slaps Triple H - and Triple H dives on him to attack. Everyone jumps on Triple H - he's help again, and Jericho smacks him over the head with the chair! "It's time to play the game, time to play the game!" Jericho keeps beating him, and Triple H is busted wide open. Walls Of Jericho is put on Triple H, and Vince screams at him. "The pain you're in, you're gonna go to hell! At Judgement Day, at Judgement Day, it's you and Jericho in a match. And that match is called Hell In The Cell!" Triple H taps like mad. I think I can certainly live with that so long as they find some original spots. By that I mean "find something other than climbing to the top of the cell". Moments ago, Hell In A Cell TAJIRI (with Torrie Wilson) vs. THE HURRICANE (for the WWE World Cruiserweight Title) Michael Cole just can't get over the fact that Tajiri is misusing Torrie. I say this because HE says "I just can't get over" about a hundred times in this segment. Ooh, get this. "You know Tazz, we didn't want to change our name but the WONDERFUL people at the World Wildlife Fund thought there might be some confusion between their WWF and our WWF." "Oh yeah, it's very easy to confuse a WWE superstar and a panda." Kicks to the leg of Hurricane to start. Off the ropes - Hurricane takes Tajiri down with a clothesline. Chop in the corner - climb the ropes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Tajiri sneaks under the legs and kicks him in the back. Tajiri tries a faceplant, but Hurricane lands on his feet. Duck of the clothesline - and Tajiri kicks Hurricane in the mouth. Kick to the midsection, tree of woe is setup. Baseball slide dropkick from across the ring is hit dead on! A couple more kicks, and Hurricane falls down. Hurricane to his feet fights back - but he winds up in a powerbomb position. He's up - but Hurricane hammers home some punches and lands on his feet. Hurricane ducks a clothesline, comes off the ropes and hits a tornado DDT! Whip into the turnbuckle, Tajiri bounces back, neckbreaker! Cover, 1, 2, kick out. Whip - going for the chokeslam, but Tajiri escapes. Whip by Tajiri is reversed - and Tajiri hits the handspring elbow! Tajiri charges - hiptoss over the top and to the floor. Torrie goes over to check on Tajiri, and he shoves her away. Look out - Hurricane over the top with a tope con hilo! Yeah baby! Whip is reversed by Tajiri, Hurricane on the apron, and Tajiri kicks him! Michael Cole: "And now he laughs about it!" I recall Triple H laughing about spanking Kurt Angle in a thong and you thought THAT was okay. Hurricane in the middle of the ring on his knees - the kick is set, but on the announce table Torrie starts stripping? Yep, off with the clothes. Tajiri throws a fit, and gets counted out. Time: 3:31 Tajiri gets back in, and takes a Chokeslam from The Hurricane. Torrie heads off to the back in her bra and panties. Back to Vince's office where Stacy, Vince, and Jericho stand. "Was that the perfect set up on Triple H or what?" "Vince, that was geneous. It was genius. Did you see when I pounded his head into ground beef? His blood's on my hands. That was just a taste of what he's gonna get at Judgement Day, because I almost ended The Shame's career one year ago. In the Hell In A Cell at Judgement Day, I'm gonna end his career for good Vince. That's it for Triple H." "Oh yeah. Maybe I can send that career on a downward spiral. What if I forced Triple H to compete in a match tonight, but again, hmm, who would it be?" "OH TESTIFY! Brother Vince, the great profit, oh a great profit, a great salvation of a man." "So tonight we have Reverend D-Von one on one with Triple H." "Oh yes!" "If Triple H refuses the match, then that's grounds for termination." "Oh yes, because you see the man upstairs says redemption is oh so sweet." "Is he here?" "Brother Vince, he's ALWAYS here! Oh testify!" "Testify!" "Testi-fy-y-y!" "TESTIFEEEYIAH!" The Hurricane is in his locker room, when Al Snow happens upon him. "Hurricane, I thought I'd stop by the Hurricave and Hurricongratulate you on a Hurrimatch. It was so impressive to see the Hurrichoke, WOW! But I know you had to see the Spiderman movie, now THAT was cool, and that Spiderman, he's a superhero." You're kidding if you think I'm gonna try to transcribe Hurricane talking a mile a minute about what he'd do to Spiderman. "You know, take it from me, they have some wonderful medication these days that can really help out with that." "Before you go, I notice you're wearing a Spiderman shirt." "Yes!" "But I think you'd be better served wearing a Hurrishirt." "Get out of here! Thank you. Hey, what's that? It's a Hurrinote. Do you think you might have a Hurrifan? Let's read it. Congratulations, now you're a star. Unfortunately for you, I know who you are. I don't get it." "It could be the work of that jealous Peter Parker. Or it could be ." Whoosh. "Boy, I thought it was bad when I talked to a head. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder " TEST vs. MARK HENRY If this was in WCW, I tell ya it could be a main event match anywhere in the country. Lockup, shove back by the World's Stronger Man. Another STRONG knock down by Henry. Test throws a tantrum. Is this the new way to tell who's Canadian, and who's not? Test of strength never happens when Test gets a knee in Henry's midsection. Elbows in the corner, boots to the midsection. Run across the ring, big clothesline. Another charge, another clothesline. Make that three. Short arm clothesline. Cover, 1, 2, Henry powers out. Tazz suggests Test could be champ one day - hooooo boy. Henry ducks a clothesline, then runs over Test with one of his own. Whip into the corner - blind charge and Henry meets an elbow. Test to the top - he's caught in midair by Henry. Powerslam, 1, 2, Test gets a shoulder up. Big splash misses, and Test is up. Big boot misses - Test gets gorilla press slammed! Big splash hits this time, 1, 2, NO! Test just got his foot on the ropes! Test placed to the top rope - Henry climbs to the second rope, goes for a superplex, but he's shoved off back to the mat. Flying elbow HITS, 1, 2, Henry kicks out! Test hits his knee again, goes for the boot, can't make it. Full nelson(!) is applied by Henry, Test lowblows Henry, boot to the face, 1, 2, 3! Time: 3:41 Hey, I kinda dug that match. I wonder if I'm alone. Kurt Angle's smiling mug is on TV when we return. Christian jumps all over him. "Kurt did you see that, did you see it, I just kicked Triple H's ass!" "Well actually, what I saw was Chris putting him in the Walls Of Jericho." "Well, technically yeah, but I softened him up first, I was on top he was saying Christian owww oww it hurts. Anyway, I was gonna say brilliant move, brilliant challenging Edge to a hair versus hair match at Judgement Day. Take it from me, even as a kid he had a fear of being ugly, and now with a bald head he's gonna be just that, ugly." "Hey, and think about it, now between the two of you, he's gonna be the ugly one." "I know! Hey man. Listen, nevermind, I can't wait for Judgement Day. I want to see him ugly and bald now. Now now now now now now now." "Christian, Christian don't worry, I'm not gonna wait to the pay-per-view to show how ugly Edge is. I'm gonna do it tonight. Just watch." "He's the ugly one." Marc Loyd stands with Billy, Chuck, and stylist Rico. Tonight, they have a 6-man tag-team match against Al Snow, Maven, and Rikishi. Here's some clips from a couple weeks ago where the champs lost their pants. "Whoa, stop right there. Who the hell do you think you are? I guess you think it's funny that you pulled up everything piece of embarrassing footage you could find on us. I guess you think it's funny that we had our pants pulled down in the ring in an arena full of people. I guess that because you have a smile on your face. WIPE IT OFF BEFORE I WIPE THAT SMILE OF YOUR FACE PERMANANTLY. He had to have 23 facials just to get the stench of Rikishi's butt off of his face." "You need to calm down, you know what stress does to your complexion. Now listen whoever you are, I know that Maven, Rikishi, and Snow have had some laughs in the last couple of weeks, but tonight they have to deal with Billy, Chuck, and Rico." "That's right boys, I'm coming out! And coming out as only I can, in style! Whether it's the custom made clothes, or the perfectly sculptured sideburns, the most stylish thing I own is a first degree belt in keppo karate. So as far as Al Snow, Maven, and Rikishi go, tonight, we're the ones that are gonna embarrass them." D-Von is chortling with someone holding a big box. "Oh my brother, it's now time to go out to the ring and testify all over Triple H." UP NEXT: Triple H vs. D-Von SUBWAY SLAM OF THE WEEK: 5 jobbers, and their leader Chris Jericho beat up Triple H. Vince books Hell In A Cell. REVEREND D-VON (with Some Guy Carrying A Box On A Chain) vs. TRIPLE H "Oh brothers and sisters, oh I've got tonight's sermon in hand, oh testify! You see, yay though I walk through this place full of sinners I fear no temptations, oh no I don't. Because you see brothers and sisters, Reverend D-Von is a righteous man. Hah, oh I am a man with great joy. And I know that when a good man above smiles upon me, he'll be smiling because I tried to help you sinner and backsliding people. But lo and behold, brothers and sisters, there has been another follower, that's right. This follower will be here to protect the D-Von building fund, that's right. I want everybody to get up out of their seats, put your hands together for Deacon Batista! Now Deacon, keep one eye on the box, as well as the other eye on the ring because Brother D-Von is about to beat the sin out of Triple H." Batista looks like Bull Buchanon, except he isn't Bull Buchanon. Don't e-mail me to tell me who he is, I don't care. Triple H slides in, ducks a D-Von clothesline, and knocks him down with one of his own. Another clothesline, a third! Whip - backdrop. Right, whip - D-Von kicks Triple H. Off the ropes - spinebuster! Cover, 1, 2, D-Von kicks out. Right is blocked, and Triple H hits a number of his own. Whip is blocked - and D-Von drops Triple H face first onto the turnbuckle. D-Von runs over Triple H with a hard clothesline. Cover, 1, 2, Triple H kicks out. D-Von climbs on top and hammers at Triple H's forhead. Cole mentions that Triple H has been in a Hell In A Cell match before. Ummm, he's been in TWO of them, but I guess we only remember The Big 3 when it comes to Hell In A Cell huh? Bossman's matches, and the 6 man never happened according to WWE. Right hand drops Triple H. Right, Triple H fires back. He gets to his feet, but D-Von rakes the eyes. D-Von tosses Triple H to the floor, and Batista attacks Triple H, running him over with a clothesline. Triple H is rolled back in. Cover, 1, 2, Triple H kicks out. Elbow to Triple H's head. Snapmare takes him down - jumping elbow. To the top rope - flying clothesline, 1, 2, Triple H kicks out. D-Von chokes out Triple H in the ropes. D-Von works over Triple H - snapmare, drops a knee, heads to the top, flying headbutt MISSES. Triple H gets back to his feet, ducks a clothesline, nails a neckbreaker! Triple H rolls out to the floor, and grabs a chair. Batista cuts Triple H off - charges, but Triple H sidesteps and he nails the post. Triple H is back in, and the ref gets rid of the chair. Triple H sets up a Pedigree, Batista distracts the ref, and Jericho's in with the money box. See ya later Triple H! D-Von goes for a cover, 1, 2, 3?!?!?! Time: 4:43 Holy hell, now THAT'S an upset! Jericho makes EVIL faces. Moments ago, D-Von beats Triple H with a money shot. Kurt Angle heads to the ring. Hey, why can't Kurt Angle ever beat Triple H? "As many of you know, at Judgement Day I will be facing my old pal Edge in a hair versus hair match. What that means, incase any of you are confused here in the crowd, which it look like you are, what that means, is that the loser of this match gets his head shaved bald. Now Edge, I know you can be something of a Wisenheimer, but I just want to tell you that two can play that game. (You suck!) Would you please show the graphic of what Edge looks like now? Nice full thick head of hair, good looking man, respectful. Now, let's take a look at what Edge is gonna look like after I'm through with him after Judgement Day. (Hah! This is more or less the same thing that Bobby Heenan did with Kidman a few years ago in that Mask vs. Hair match on Nitro. Oh come on, don't tell me you've forgotten about that whoopass match?) Mr. Clean lives! And ladies, he's single! This is fun, let's go back to the way Edge looks now. Okay, let's compare this. Okay, now let's go back, or actually let's go forward to the way Edge is gonna look like after I kick his butt and shave his head at Judgement Day. (Picture of Kurt Angle is shown bald) Is that hideous or what? That is a dork! That is the single most dorkiest thing that I've ever DAMMIT EDGE! I know you're behind this, take this stupid crap off, put what I had back on, do it NOW. DO IT NOW! (You Suck shirt is put on screen) That's it Edge, I'm really mad now, you think you're so funny, you think you're so good looking, we'll see how the chicks respond when you're a big stupid bald headed freak. Let's go Edge, I'm through with this, you come out here now and face me like a man. Let's go!" But unless Edge is standing next to a mountain and chopping it down with the edge of his hand, I don't think this is him. Maybe he heard that Kurt was making fun of bald people. No, that can't be it, he never answered RUSSO! "You know something Angle, you've got a problem with bald people brother? (HOLY SHIT!) Don't you know that bald people represent some of the greatest champions this industry has ever seen? I'm talking about Superstar Billy Graham. I'm talking about the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin. And oh yeah, there's one other guy that fits that description. (Hogan removes his bandana.) Take a good look at it Angle, the way you're going, this is gonna be you pretty soon brother. And if Edge doesn't get ya at Judgement Day, well quite apparently Mother Nature will. (KICK HIS ASS NOW KURT!)" "Oh yeah, well I hope The Undertaker kicks your butt real good. And just so you know Hogan, if The Undertaker doesn't take that title from you, I will. And one more thing Hogan, there's only one Real American in this company, ME! (TAKE THAT!) You see, while you were saying your prayers and taking your vitamins, I was training to become the single most success story that modern day athletics has ever seen. So if you don't mind, why don't you just kiss my you know what " And Hogan attacks. Fuck you. Whip - big boot, and Kurt's on the floor. Kurt heads off towards the back, and you know he's mad because he takes off his medals. Back on the stage, Edge spears Angle. Play HIS music! Hogan's cupping the ear a bunch in the ring. Poor Kurt. Back to Vince's office. "Gotta be honest with you Vince, I've had a great night so far. I've taken it out on Triple H a couple of times " "Did you see that?" Kurt's not pleased. "Did you see what just happened, Hogan made fun of me, then Edge speared me. That's it, I want Hogan in a match, and I want it tonight. No no no, I want Edge, I want Edge. I want him right now. No no no, I want Hogan, I want Hogan tonight in a match, I want to kick his butt. No no no, I don't want to wait to the pay-per-view, I want Edge!" "I'll tell you what I'll do, calm down. You're our Olympic hero, calm down dammit. Tonight, I'm gonna give you both Hogan and Edge." "What do you mean, a handicap match?" "No, I'm gonna give them a tag-team match, Edge and Hogan versus Angle and Jericho. What do you say gentlemen, let's get it on?" BILLY, CHUCK, and RICO vs. MAVEN, AL SNOW, and RIKISHI Chuck and Al Snow start. Lockup, go behind into a takedown by Al. Al tries to take off Chuck's tights, and I start to wonder who's the REAL fruit in the ring. Boot to the midsection of Al, and they trade punches. Al comes off the ropes, shoulderblock. Again off the ropes - Chuck catches him in his arms, but Al hits the headbutts. Whip is reversed - Al stops, kick to midsection - tackle, 1, 2, Chuck kicks out. Tag to Rikishi. Chuck fires some punches, but it's blocked and Rikishi hits one of his own. Whip - and Chuck gets clothesline. Billy tries to do anything, but he too is clotheslined. Rico gets knocked off the apron. Chuck pokes Rikishi in the eyes and tags in Rico. Right, right, boot to the midsection, whip - reversed - sunset flip is attempted, but Rikishi threatens to squash Rico. Billy leaps at bulldogs Rikishi. Whip - reversed - Billy leapfrogs Rikishi (apparently he's legal now) big clothesline takes down Billy. Tag to Maven. Right, right, right, off the ropes, Rico kicks him from behind, knock down of Rico, and Billy clotheslines Maven. Tag in Chuck. Clothesline, clothesline, and Maven's driven into the corner. Lots of shoulderblocks. Maven fires back, whips Chuck which is reversed - but turns the tables in the corner. Chuck with a Chuck Deluxe, 1, 2, Maven kicks out. Tag out to Rico. Here's his in ring debut. Boot to the midsection, head to the corner, kick, kick, kick, Rico climbs the ropes, and kicks Maven from up there. Pose down, Maven gets in some shots, but Billy shoves him down. Tag out to Chuck. Scoop, Maven slides down the back, and hits a DDT! Maven tags in Al Snow. Clotheslines for Chuck - big back elbow. Snow beats on him in the corner, cleans house by knocking all the heels off the apron, whips Chuck across the ring, and hits a short powerbomb! 1, 2, Chuck breaks it up. Jungle Kick hits, but Rikishi's in and hits a Samoan drop followed immediately by a superkick. Rico finds himself in the ring and fires at Rikishi. Both Maven and Rikishi take shots. Rico's in the corner. Maven whips him across, Rikishi charges, buttsplash, and down goes Rico. Raise the roof! Chuck knocks Rikishi to the floor before he can anything with a Cactus Clothesline, then Rico hits a spin kick on Al! Billy's in, Fameasser, 1, 2, 3. Time: 5:29 Marc Loyd talks about the rollercoaster ride that Randy Orton's been on over the past few weeks. "Marc, my dad he's been along with me throughout my career thus far, and he's taught me that opportunities, they don't come very often in this business. The bumps and the bruises, you've gotta forget about them. Basically, you've gotta go out there and perform, that's your number one job, that's what I've learned so far." "That's what you've learned?" Hi Lance Storm! Glad to see you're still employed! "That's what you're sharing with us? Perhaps you can expand a little more, share a little more, some of this wealth of knowledge you've seemingly acquired in what is it Randy three weeks? If I can be serious for a minute, I'm sick and tired of hearing how you're the future superstar around here, how you're a can't miss prospect. Truth is, you've had this business handed to you on a silver platter. Hell, Kurt Angle was right. Here I am, one of the greatest athletes Canada's ever produced, one of the finest wrestlers ever to grace a WWE ring. What have I been relegated to? Placing bets as to whether or not Mark Henry can roll up a frying pan. Well not anymore, because tonight, I take my opportunity. I show the world what I can do. Tonight, I prove that I am better than you." "We'll just have to see about that, now won't we?" Here's some clips from RAW, with the stupid bike. PLEASE STOP REMINDING ME. TONIGHT: Hulk Hogan and Edge vs. Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle WWE BURN OF THE NIGHT: Torrie strips down to her unmentionables. RANDY ORTON vs. LANCE STORM Remember when Lance Storm was the IC Champion? Remember when Christian was the IC Champion? This is all UNDER A YEAR AGO. The announcers notice there's no referee, and no sooner do they mention it that Hardcore Holly makes his way down. You know, there's nothing I hate more than blatant screwjobs from start to finish where one guy has NO CHANCE no matter what he does of winning. Really takes away from the match. Storm wins with a Canadian Maple Leaf. Time: 3:33 Post match, Val Venis saves Randy Orton from taking anymore of a veteran beating. Edge goes knocking on Hulk Hogan's door to find he's not there. "Hulk, Hulkster. Whoa, this is cool. I gotta do it, I gotta. (He puts on the bandana.) The boas? Amazing. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Well let me tell ya something brother, I've been training, saying my prayers, and eating my vitamins. I've been hanging and banging for 40 days and 40 nights on the Titanic brother. I hopped on the back of a great white shark, grabbed it by its dorsal fin with the largest arms in the with some pretty big arms. And I said whatchoo gonna do brother?" He turns and gets really embarrassed. Hogan's in the room. "Hey. This is yours." "Just for the record Edge, it goes like this. Well let me tell ya something brother, I've been training, saying my prayers, and eating my vitamins. So let's go out there dude and show 'em what it's like to really, really reek of awesomeness brother." "Whew! That was so cool. He called me brother!" KURT ANGLE and CHRIS JERICHO vs. EDGE and HULK HOGAN I think my power went out while I was recording this match, but I guess we'll see. Hogan and Kurt start. Nose to nose they go talking trash. Kurt nails Hogan right in the face and he no sells. Another shot, another no sell. Another, more no selling. Block, right, right, right, whip - clothesline. Elbowdrop, cover, 1, 2, Jericho goes to break it up, Hogan sidesteps and Jericho elbows Kurt. Hogan gets rid of Jericho. Scoop and a slam, elbowdrop, elbowdrop, off with the bandana, stomp. Kurt's picked up, shoved back, and send into the turnbuckle. Right, right, choke with boot. Hogan orders Edge to stick out his boot, he complies, and Kurt's sent into it. Whip into the ropes - tag out to Edge - double back elbow on Kurt. Kurt and Edge trade punches. Whip by Edge - spinning heel kick. Right, chop, whip, reversed - huge belly to belly overhead suplex! Tag to Jericho. Edge is sent into the corner, chop, chop, chop, whip - Jericho with a blind charge and he gets a boot to the face. Edge up top - missile dropkick! Right, right, whip - Jericho ducks under the legs, but Edge still plants him with a facebuster. Kurt in, gets knocked down. Kurt is sent to the floor, Jericho gets hotshotted on the top. Edge to the top rope on Jericho, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Kurt knocks him down. Slop Drop from Jericho, cover, 1, 2, Edge kicks out. Jericho stomps away. He cups his ear which annoys Hogan, but he can't come in. Jericho takes the tape off his wrists and chokes out Edge. The referee doesn't see it, and Hogan tries to point it out, allowing a double team. Kurt's in. Vertical suplex, 1, 2, Edge kicks out. Rear chinlock is applied, but Edge gets to his feet and elbows out. Chop - whip - Angle ducks and we have simultaneous cross bodyblocks! Kurt hangs on to Edge, and tags out to Jericho. Jericho grabs a leg, but Edge hits an enzuigiri and in comes Hogan. He's hulking up, and everyone gets punches. Double noggin' knocker, double clothesline, and Jericho rolls out. Whip to Kurt - big boot and out with the power When we return, Triple H is in the ring. He has a sledgehammer in his hands, and everyone's dead. Vince is offering Triple H to deck him - Triple H takes a swing, and Jericho runs him over with a chair. Jericho poses on top of Triple H and we're out. Oh yeah, the time on that last match is apparently 6:58 (thanks CRZ), and there was no real finish to the match. Goodnight! |