Opening credits. The pyro's blazing - The Coach is hyping King Of The Ring all by himself, just like last week. But hark, D'Lo Brown was ready to jump all over the color commentary position and makes his way down. "D'Lo Brown is in the house, Big D is on the key!" RAVEN vs. SPIKE DUDLEY Earlier today, WWE's own Terri Runnels had the chance to talk to Raven. Why don't you and I listen in. "Fate is a property that meets crossroads, and I will not be held accountable for my actions. Quote the Raven nevermore." D'Lo: "What the heck did he just say?" I'm with you! Raven sulks in the corner, and Spike Dudley smiles a whole lot because he has a big heart. Lockup, Raven shoves Spike into the corner, and he hammers at his chest. A whip is blocked - and Spike kicks Raven in the gut. An early Dudley Dawg attempt gets shoved off - Raven charges but Spike meets him with a drop toe hold, sending Raven head first into the middle turnbuckle. Spike's version of the Bronco Buster involves him jumping up and down on Raven. A whip is reversed - Spike comes off the ropes and hits a flying forearm. Boot to the midsection - Spike again tries a Dudley Dawg, but Raven shoves him off, bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Raven charges and hits the running kneelift sending Spike to the floor. Side Russian legsweep has Spike going headfirst into the security wall. Back in, Raven drives Spike's head down to the mat - then chokes him out. Snapmare takeover, another, and Raven pulls at Spike's nose. Off the ropes - dropkick to Spike's face, cover, 1, 2, kickout. Another quick cover, 1, 2, he's out. Spike is shoved to the corner. Whip across the ring - Raven charges, hooks the head and tries the running bulldog, but Spike shoves him off. Raven hits the corner - turns - and gets hit with the torpedo. Both guys stand - Spike hammers - whip on Raven - catches him with an atomic drop, and follows up with a bulldog! Spike comes off the ropes - there's a clothesline. Raven staggers - boot to the midsection - neckbreaker, cover, 1, 2, Raven kicks out. Coach says Raven's been taken to the limit. In three minutes? He IS old! Spike climbs the corner - starts to hammer in the punches, 1, 2, 3, 4, Raven shoves him away. Spike jumps right back up, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, he's shoved off - Raven charges, Spike rolls him up, 1, 2, Raven kicks out. A rana attempt is blocked and held in place - allowing Raven to catapult Spike under the bottom rope throat first. Whip by Raven is reversed - and Spike catches him with a Frankensteiner mid ring! Cover, 1, 2, not enough! Spike tries a boot to the midsection - but it's blocked and Raven hits the Raven Effect! 1, 2, 3. Time: 4:18 PLANET STASIAK vs. CRASH Crash storms towards the commentary booth and hands Coach a note. It says he's gonna orbit Planet Stasiak. Lockup - Stasiak shoves him back and talks to the voices. Crash wants to lockup again, but Stasiak will have none of it, booting him in the midsection and clubbing him with some forearm shots to the back. Crash is tossed over the top rope - but he lands on his feet - gets back in and hiptosses Stasiak. Dropkick hits - whip is reversed - Stasiak misses an avalanche, rollup, 1, 2, he kicks out. Into the corner - here's a whip - Crash tries a monkey flip in the corner, but Stasiak stops him and places him on the top rope. Crash jumps on Stasiak's shoulders - and winds up powerbombed midring. Here's a whip - Crash hits the corner and falls hard. Another whip - and Crash hits the corner again. Whip number three - Stasiak catches Crash bouncing out of the corner with a clothesline and covers. 1, 2, he kicks out. Vertical suplex looks good - here's a cover, 1, 2, Crash kicks out. Another vertical suplex is attempted, but Crash scoots down the back - boot to the midsection - Crash tries to pick him up, but his back can't handle the stress leaving Stasiak a chance to escape. A knee to the back of Crash hits, and Stasiak hits a belly to back suplex. Cover, 1, 2, kickout. Whip - Stasiak telegraphs the backdrop and Crash kicks him in the jaw. Stasiak going for a clothesline - Crash ducks and hits a neckbreaker. Both guys are down. Stasiak gets up first - tries a punch but Crash blocks him and hammers his own. Whip - Crash clotheslines Stasiak twice - whips him again but it's reversed - Crash leaps and winds up in Stasiak's arms. Stasiak drives Crash back first into the corner and drops him down hard on the mat. Sidewalk slam hits, cover, 1, 2, Crash gets a shoulder up. Whip - Crash rolls him up coming off the ropes, 1, 2, 3? Time: 4:14 What an odd finish. On RAW, Kevin Nash has an announcement. Short and sweet - Shawn Michaels is the newest member of the nWo. The Two Dudes With Attitudes pose for the screaming crowd. MOLLY HOLLY vs. JACQUELINE Lockup - Jackie goes behind, it's reversed, and Molly takes her down. On the ground, Jackie gets an advantage and applies a hammerlock. D'Lo calls Molly "the biggest prude I've ever seen." Have we already forgotten Right To Censor? Even Molly shows cleavage. Molly fights to her feet - Jackie rolls her up, 1, 2, kick out. Lockup - Molly gets a headlock - it's shoved off and coming off the ropes Jackie gets knocked down. Molly's off the ropes - but Jackie's ready and hiptosses her. Molly stands - another hiptoss is sent her way. Whip is reversed - Jackie ducks a kick - stands and is hotshotted onto the ropes throat first. Northern Lights suplex, 1, 2, no! Molly pulls on Jackie's face - and gets ordered to break. Right - whip - Jackie hits the ropes and leaps onto Molly's back. She slides back - roll up, 1, 2, she kicks out. Molly hammers at the back of Jackie. Vertical suplex from Molly into a cover, 1, 2, Jackie kicks out. Jackie stands and starts getting in the kidney shots, but Molly beats her back to the ground. Over to the ropes, Molly drapes her leg over Jackie's head and chokes her. She releases - Jackie stands and Molly chokes her on the top. Whip - Jackie comes off the ropes with a sunset flip, 1, 2, not enough! Molly stands and clotheslines Jackie back to the mat. Molly scoops her up - backbreaker is good - and Molly heads to the top. The Molly Go Round misses Jackie - and Jackie's making a comeback. A punch drops Molly, cover, 1, 2, she kicks out.. Molly stands - and Jackie's waiting for an AWESOME roundhouse kick! 1, 2, Molly kicks out. Jackie tries a scoop - Molly slides down the back, into a rollup - she's has the tights in her hands, 1, 2, 3! Time: 4:01 On RAW, Ric Flair benched Steve Austin once again. Austin offers Ric Flair a chance to take him out for good if he can pin him in a match. Flair agrees, on the condition it's a real wrestling match - no closed fists. Winner becomes the other's bitch. Austin (of course) wins the match - opening up a chance to humiliate Flair once again. THE BIG SHOW vs. JEFF HARDY D'Lo promises that Jeff Hardy will take out Big Show. I hate to break it to you - but Hardy's about 300 pounds lighter. Jeff glows in the dark. As he's posing on the top rope - Show yanks him down by his "tail" (there's something growing out of his back pocket - a snot rag or something) and goes to work. Show headbutts Jeff and throws him to the mat. Jeff tries punching Show, but that makes him mad and continues to throw him around. Big whip into the corner. Show picks him up by the throat - and tosses him back to the mat. By the ropes, Show uses them for leverage to stand on his back. Kneelift to the face. Show chops Jeff and gives him a standing vertical suplex - which lasts for about 10 seconds. Show asks Jeff if he wants to see The Coach - and throws him through the middle rope. Jeff climbs back onto the apron - and Show charges knocking him down. Jeff decides to turn the tables and grabs a chair. He swings and Show swats it away. Yeah!!! Take that! Jeff tries to do ANYTHING but The Big Show's fist is enough to drop him back to the mat. Whip into the corner - Show comes at him but Jeff kicks him in the face. To the second ropes - Jeff jumps and finds himself on Show's shoulders. He falls back a bit - grabs the chair on the mat - swings back up and clobbers Show in the face - drawing a disqualification. Time: 3:02 Jeff's not done - he goes to the top rope - and hits a Swanton Bomb about half way across the ring. He poses on the stage and The Big Show is a REALLY angry man. The fans are loving it - until they announce Show as the winner. We are out! |