Despite the fact Judgement Day was one week ago and there's no longer any money to be made off of it - here's a promo! The word retirement is thrown around with Hogan's mug. Think they're trying to tell us something? Opening credits. Light the pyro, and check the signs! The Coach and Raven are behind the desk to irritate us all! D'LO BROWN vs. JUSTIN CREDIBLE My dream match. Lockup, D'Lo applies a sideheadlock and Justin's stuck. He tries to punch his way out to no avail - and shoving D'Lo into the ropes winds up with him getting run over. Raven's throat sounds sore, perhaps due to all that promo time he's been given lately. Off the ropes - Justin tries a hiptoss but it's blocked and D'Lo hits his own. Another hiptoss, and the armbar is applied. Justin fights to his feet, and shrugs away D'Lo. To the corner, here come the kicks. Whip is reversed - D'Lo comes at Justin who tries to get a boot up - but it's caught. "OH NO YOU DIDN'T!" I think he did D'Lo, you'd better beat the ECW out of him. Legsweep - and D'Lo does a neat looking rolling legdrag. YES it's going to sound terrible - but for the second night in a row, I don't know a move that's been applied. Apparently Coach knows OF it, but not a name. So he covers us in a very Tony Schiavone kind of way announce "What a manoeuvre!" Kick to the midsection, and D'Lo slaps Justin. Right, right, whip - Justin ducks a clothesline, and comes off on the other side with a swinging DDT. Raven wants to talk wrestling, Coach wants to kick his ass for it. Que? Stomp to the head of D'Lo - into the corner, here come the chops and punches. Kick, kick, D'Lo's on the ground - so Justin pulls him out of the corner into the air, and hits a short powerbomb. 1, 2, D'Lo kicks away. Snapmare, chinlock is applied, and D'Lo's falling. Fans start to clap trying to wake up D'Lo. Hey Justin - the move worked. I fell asleep. D'Lo elbows to his feet, but Justin rakes him in the eyes. Back to the corner, Justin stomps him. Justin promises this is it - baseball slide but D'Lo moves and Justin slides into the post crotch first! D'Lo starts the comeback. Whip - flapjack. Shaky Shaky legdrop, cover, 1, 2, no. Whip by D'Lo is reversed - but he catches Justin in midair then hits a swinging uranage suplex. Coach again isn't sure what it's called. THEN ASK! D'Lo heads to the second rope - leaps, but Justin catches him with a Superkick on the way down! 1, 2, D'Lo kicks out! D'Lo to his feet - blocks a whip - Sky High, 1, 2, 3. Time: 4:32 TONIGHT: Steven Richards defends the Hardcore Title against Bradshaw. Last Monday night, The Undertaker decided to teach Rob Van Dam all about respect. He beats his ass for daring to come out first on his big night - which leads to a title match later that night. RVD wins, but Taker's foot was on the rope which means the match is restarted, and Taker retains. TOMMY DREAMER vs. THE BIG BOSSMAN Let's hit the e-mail bag: "You're the worst Play by Play man.. ever. Dreamer is better than your life. Commit suicide, fag." I love creative feedback! That said, if Dreamer beats Bossman, I may contemplate the above. Lockup - Bossman kicks Tommy in the midsection, and works the punches. More shots to the kidneys, and here's a headbutt. Referee wants a break in the corner, so Bossman belts Dreamer again. Whip into the opposite corner - Bossman splash! It's kinda like the Stinger splash strangely enough. Choke - Bossman climbs the turnbuckle, Tommy tries an atomic drop, it hits weakly - Bossman sells like a champ! Tommy runs him over, comes off the ropes, elbow, cover, 1, 2, Bossman kicks out. Whip - Tommy ducks a clothesline, and Bossman hits one of his own. Right, right, whip - and Tommy runs into the opposite turnbuckle with the back of his head. Bossman heads to the floor, and strikes Tommy who's head for whatever reason is dangling over the rope. Rear chinlock, Tommy fights to his feet and elbows out. Off the ropes - right into a big boot! 1, 2, Tommy kicks away. Another, 1, 2, he's out. Back to the chinlock. YEAH! Take that! Fans boo. Tommy again fights out - tries a slam, but Bossman's way to heavy and falls on top, 1, 2, Tommy escapes. He's lucky. Whip is reversed by Tommy - he charges and runs into Bossman's feet. Bossman forward, ooooh Tommy hits a slam. Russian legsweep, cover, 1, 2, Bossman kicks out. Dreamer tries a Spicolli Driver, but his back can't handle it, and Bossman comes back with a spinebuster. Cover, 1, 2, Tommy kicks out. Another cover, 1, 2, another kick out. Cover 3, 1, 2, kick out. Bossman's had enough of Nick Patrick's lousy refereeing - and shoves him. Patrick shoves back, roll up, 1, 2, 3. Crud. Time: 3:47 Is it wrong to say I REALLY dug this match? Good stuff. Terri talks with Steven Richards who has to defend his title without Jazz's help who's out with an injury. "Are you trying to say I can't do this on my own Terri? I'm insulted by your insinuation. I'm the WWE Hardcore Champion. That means I can handle myself in any situation against anybody. Especially some big loud beer drinking Texan like Bradshaw." "I don't think you should have said that?" "Yeah, why not?" Bradshaw slaps Steven in the back. "Hello Steven, I'm sorry I came in late, you said something about loud beer drinking redneck Texan. You weren't talking about me were you?" "No no no, Bradshaw I was totally misquoted, it was a total midunderstanding. Psst, I have an idea. Here, just take the title, take the title. You're the champion. Someone's gonna get hurt out there." "Damn right somebody's gonna get hurt, you know what Steven? I am REALLY feeling frisky from deep deep deep deep deep deep down, I feel like kicking your ass tonight, so I'll see you out there Steven." COMING UP: Hulk Hogan retires. Here here we go - back to three days ago. Hulk Hogan retires, I don't believe him, Vince McMahon doesn't let him, Hogan doesn't retire. WWE REWIND: Raven calls out Jerry Lawler, and loses by countout. PLANET STASIAK vs. SPIKE DUDLEY I'm actually coming around on Stasiak. I think it's the music. Raven refuses to read the copy - showing defiance! "Grumpy" Raven's more fun that "I'm Smarter Than You" Raven. Stasiak takes the fight to Spike as soon as he rolls in by stomping and hammering away at the back. Whip - the backdrop fails as Spike slides down the back into a sunset flip, 1, 2, Stasiak kicks away. Whip is reversed, Spike hits the corner but gets a boot up to stop the charging Stasiak. To the middle rope - Spike tries something but lands on his shoulder and "injures" it. Stasiak pounds on it. Scoop - gutbuster. Cover, 1, 2, Spike kicks out. Spike gets in some shots - comes off the ropes and says hello to Planet Stasiak's elbow! Stasiak looks crazy. Front facelock into a gourdbuster! Stomp, stomp - gutwrench powerbomb! Cover, 1, Stasiak sees something and stands. He starts talking to himself and looks around. As he turns - Spike's a missile! Right to the midsection - hooking the head - Dudley Dawg. 1, 2, 3. Time: 2:04 Time for Tough Enough 2 highlights. Jackie blows out a knee and the doctor tells her the ligament is torn. She CAN continue but it's not recommended. She continues. Cuts come - Pete and Anni are tossed. So we have four left, we'll find out who the winner is on the season finale. Raven's had enough of Coach and heads to the ring. "You know, I've been with this company for nearly 2 years, and the treatment that I have received has been short if not bereft of anything resembling the quality that a superstar of my magnitude and intellect deserves. You know fate is a cruel mistress, and the hand that she has dealt me has left me broken and busted. My latent skills have been overlooked while others of lesser ability have been showered with attention and care. Well the impression of my skills and the persecution of my soul will no longer be tolerated. You see sometimes in life we make our own choices. Sometimes a choice is made for us. But sometimes there is no choice, and therefore I QUIT!" The fans erupt - hah! You know, the "I QUIT!" angle is being run into the ground with pointless people doing it, as Christian did about 2 months ago and Raven here now. STEVEN RICHARDS vs. BRADSHAW (for the WWE Hardcore Title) Richards is begging for mercy, but Bradshaw's all about the fun tonight. Trashcan lid tossed into the ring by Bradshaw, and tossed away by Richards. In fact, Richards is tossing anything and everything that comes his way. Trashcan, chair, chair, chair, chair, bottle of water, trashcan, Kendo stick, steel steps, though Richards has trouble with them. Richards slides out to the floor to escape Bradshaw - gets chased around, and gets back in. Trashcan lid in hands - Bradshaw is walloped. Off the ropes - runs right into a boot to the face. Bradshaw clubs his forearm across the back of Richards, and shoves him aside with a foot. Now Bradshaw picks up the trashcan lid and starts whipping the hell out of Richards with it in the head, and Crash Holly heads down. He's hiding behind the apron - and has a referee with him. Whip - Steven ducks a clothesline - leaps on the other end right into Bradshaw's arms. Fallaway slam, Steven to the floor. In comes Crash with a stop sign in hands - he charges Bradshaw who sidesteps - runs into the ropes and the stop sign slaps himself in the head. Clothesline From Hell, Crash rolls to the floor, Steven covers, 1, 2, 3! Time: 1:39 Richards runs to the back with Bradshaw chasing close behind, but he's still the champion. Will Eddie Guerrero pay the price on RAW? And which two contestants on Tough Enough have paid the ultimate price? Tune in this week and find out! |