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The WWF vs. The Alliance Round 385763 Take 69 So...this is my first ever wrestling column that wasn't just for my own amusement and for like 3 other people to read and speculate on...But now since I've decided to give this a shot, why not take the ball and run with it? Without further ado...My Column THE WWF vs THE ALLIANCE ROUND 385763 TAKE 69 What the hell is Vince doing here? Is he smoking some of the Godfather's old stash? I mean look at the ratings man! This angle was supposed to be the greatest thing to hit Wrestling and it's fizzled out more than Buff Daddy's career...We need more wrestling in the ring and fast! The "Who's going to turn on who" angle has been SO overdone people aren't caring who's turning anymore...Turns aren't supposed to run rampant right? Turns are supposed to be major events on PPVs, not a every show event where someone is always jumping from one side to the other! I have my own idea of how the WWF can fix this WHOLE mess...Hear me out I'm sure a few other's may have even come up with this scenario, but hey, It's my column I'm going to do it! THE BEGINNING OF THE END First...At the Survivor Series have the WWF/Alliance match end in contrversy...Have Rocky and Austin both be left as the last two men in the ring and get have them both get counted out...What? There is no winner!!! Everyone will be shocked when that happens because NOONE will expect it! At the end of the match have Vince, Steph, and Shane arguing in the ring over who actually should've won...Then have Linda MCMahon come out and say she's tired of the fighting in her family...It's all over money and being successful and she's tired of being forced to choose sides...Linda asks that if they'll all listen and trust her judgement for once...that she has a idea to finally balance out the sides and have the two groups be equally successful. So... THE NEXT NIGHT ON RAW...HOUR 1 Start out by announcing that NO Wrestling will take place for the final 45 minutes of the show due to Linda McMahon's idea to fix all the problems...This will peak the fans interest greatly and keep alot of them tuned in to see what's up...Next have every single match be barnburners have everyone in the back be told to go out and light it on fire to the best of their abilities and put on the SHOW to end all shows culminating in Rock vs Austin in a title for title match with Rock pulling out the victory after Vince's interference... THE NEXT NIGHT ON RAW...HOUR 2 After all the great action with a tiny bit of angles it's time for Linda McMahon's idea to come to fruition...Have Linda come out and call out the Other McMahons to the ring...After they arrive she asks them if they all agree with her idea...They All nod and Linda Announces that that all WCW ECW and WWF titles are now vacant...They're going to have a DRAFT...2 large Bingo type ball holders are wheeled out and placed in the ring...On each Ball in the first holder are numbers whoever gets the highest number will get the first pick in the draft but their opponent gets to choose from the second ball holder first...In the 2nd ball holder then they will choose three balls each. Each ball has the name of either a Alliance or WWF superstar or A former Alliance or current WWF Timeslot of a show...First Have Vince get the higher number and pick first...Shane then takes out three balls and announces that he has Kane, Jericho and WWF Raw's timeslot! Vince is irate but calms down and chooses his three balls...He announces that He has WCW Saturday Night's timeslot, Thunder's Timeslot and The Rock! Have Linda announce that they will start will the openers and make their way to the main eventers Draft style...This takes up the most of the 45 minutes...in the remaining few minutes they begin with the Main Eventers...Shane chooses Booker T, Vince takes Kurt Angle. Vince looks worried as SHane already has Kane, Jericho and Booker T...Vince chooses The Undertaker...Shane takes Test...Vince takes RVD...Shane announces that he gets Austin...then begins celecrating... Vince says not so fast and that there's one more main eventer that they haven't named and takes the returning HHH to a huge pop... There you have it...A Draft. Pure and simple split up the groups and give WCW/ECW the Monday night timeslot and the WWF gets two timeslots on Saturday and Thursday...Get them separate for a while and let WCW/ECW develop back into a formidable force...You could have skit on both shows having Shane and Vince courting Superstars at the ends of their contracts...it could even everything out and we might get back to getting better ratings... There you have it! My first column! Like it? Don't like it? Please feel free also to send any feedback on this to the email address at the bottom of the column...Good, Bad, or whatever...that way I know in some small way I'm not doing this for my own amusement on a grander scale... |
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